Clinique de tennis pour l'école de sport Idrettsskolen de Norvège

Last week of March we received the visit of a group of 24 Norwegian students from Idrettsskolen Numedal Folkehøgskole.

Ecole de sport is an innovative school specialized in sports training. They offer a year full of social, active and educative learning experiences that help the young pupils to make a better life decision for the future. Each year they organise camps d'entraînement in different venues in Europe.

This time we hosted the students of the ball sports module. They booked our tennis & paddle courts for two days. Very good fun! Moreover, IQL coaches gave a couple of lessons with quick and useful technical tips for them.

Thank you for visiting the Costa Blanca region and choosing IQL as part of your sports training stage.

In this particular occasion, we didn’t coordinate the full trip but here you can read a summary of their week abroad ici.

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