Today, June 5, World Environment Day is celebrated, an annual event established by the United Nations General Assembly for more than 4 decades. Taking advantage of this significant day, from IQL Sports we present our new initiative: “Refresh your game, help the planet”.

IQL Sports, in its commitment to sustainability through this initiative with environmental impact, seeks reduce the use of plastics. To this end, starting this month of June, it will promote that club users bring their own recyclable bottle and are supplied with water through the new 20-liter dispensers that will be installed soon.

What advantages will this project bring to the user? The circular water system with dispenser will reduce both the use of hundreds of single-use plastic bottles that are distributed weekly in the club as well as the waste of excess water by facilitating consumption in a comfortable and sustainable way during the development of the club. sport practice. Not to mention that a good reusable bottle helps keep the water fresh. This proposal will surely also help avoid frequent bottle mix-ups among users (children and adults).

Using reusable bottles is a tangible way to adopt a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. Doing so sends a positive message to others and raises awareness about the importance of reducing plastic waste and protecting our planet. Do you want to be part of the change?

That's why we encourage you and everyone to play your part and help us make a difference by taking individual responsibility in protecting the environment through measures like this that are simple but meaningful. Everyone with their reusable bottle!

IQL will provide you with 1 liter bottles like the ones you see in the image. Reserve yours now in our store!

This action is part of our 2023-2025 Corporate Social Responsibility plan that promotes actions in favor of sustainability, among other areas.

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